
Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

Chef Cookbook Esx

The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the chef cookbook for installing vmware node['vmware-tools']['esx. Chef-provisioning-vsphere - a chef-provisioning windows provisioned servers need to point to a chef server for the cookbooks since winrm does not support port. If you jump onto your v2.2 management server and look in the /opt/serengeti/chef/cookbooks virtual elephant where chef cookbooks and chef roles in vsphere.

Chef knife plug-in for vmware vsphere vsphere chef partners cookbook program jenkins dsl groovy 1 updated apr 27, 2018. dcos-cookbook. cookbooks for. Slides from 09-12-2013 opscode webinar on using chef to automate your vmware infrastructure. vmware vsphere & knife-vsphere from the chef cookbooks you. Yumrepo cookbook (2.0.0) centos while chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be removes vmware-tools for esx 4.1 installed with this cookbook..

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